Welcome to Happy Rhino Publishing
Like all good stories…
Happy Rhino began with a gathering of deeply loved family and friends, a lake, and a beautiful jungle rainstorm. We had gathered to honor the life of Ben Trompetter, (who was affectionately known as our ‘Rhino’), in one of his favorite places in Thailand. Amongst us swam Niki and Alex’s tiny little puppy in a yellow life jacket. Inspired by our friendship, the desire to help those in need, the life of a Happy Rhino, and the adventurous world of this little puppy – an idea was born.
Happy Rhino Publishing is an international collaboration of three women from Canada two of them best friends since high school, who came together in Thailand with a dream and an adorable canine companion – Winnie Moo.
This is a story of friendship, a mother’s love for her son, a son’s love to travel, and his friends’ love of adventure.
What was first just a giggle quickly became a dream, and has since turned into an incredible reality. Happy Rhino Publishing is proud to present Winnie Moo’s adventure books, written for the inquisitive minds of children to inspire them to learn, laugh and LiveLikeBen.
The LiveLikeBen Foundation and Happy Rhino Publishing welcome you to Winnie Moo’s wonderful world of fabulous adventures in the Land of Smiles.

The Happy Rhino Team
Winnie Moo is a little travel loving dog living in Thailand, or the “Land of Smiles”. With her family she ventures through mountains, jungles, pristine Thai waters and much more, all the while sharing lessons of acceptance, kindness, and love that she learns along the way. Winnie Moo has been on the move with her Mom and Dad working as travel guides for the past five years.